In patch 7.30b, Lycan’s independence and ability to end games quickly make him the best carry to grind MMR with. Lycan requires decent micro control to utilize his full potential. Lycan is independent in the lane thanks to Feral Impulse, and is a great pusher with Wolves and Helm of the Overlord, while Shapeshift allows him to easily burst down most supports by himself. Lycan currently boasts the highest win rate in all Dota 2 patch 7.30b matches above the Legend bracket. Lycan is most commonly picked as the team’s carry and has great success in that role. Lycan is a flexible hero who can be played in any of the three core roles. The best hero in each role to grind MMR in Dota 2 patch 7.30b Lycan Credit: Valve Here’s a look at the heroes worth mastering to grind MMR.

At the same time, heroes who can stall out the game and keep their allies alive are doing well. Static farming and ultra-late game carries are a thing of the past, for Dota 2 patch 7.30b prioritizes strong pushing lineups and faster-paced games.ĭue to the meta shift, heroes who push lanes quickly have risen in popularity and win rate. To grind MMR in Dota 2 is no exception, as it can be a frustrating experience, especially when a new patch drops and players are scrambling to figure out what works and what doesn’t.ĭota 2 patch 7.30b was recently released and with it came big changes to the meta. Playing pubs can be a roller coaster in any MOBA.